Performance testing is recommended for assets in critical applications, especially for multistage (BB3 and BB5) pumps.
Deteriorating pump performance if left uncheck will lead to:
- Excessive vibration, promoting further damage
- Increased energy consumption and ultimately
- Inflated repair costs
Westpower’s field performance assessment program informs you on how your pump is performing compared to OEM specifications. Our pump experts will perform in-situ checks and verification of:
- Pump Discharge Flow
- Balance Line Leak-Off Flow
- Suction and Discharge Pressures
- Pump Speed
- Ramp Up Tests
- Vibration Analysis
- Motor Amperage and Voltage (customer supplied and included in the report)
- Thermal Signature Analysis
Results are compared to OEM specifications and provided in a simple yet comprehensive technical report.
Contact us today to know how your pump is performing and how it can perform better!