Welding is an engineering process which is often overlooked as a critical manufacturing step.
Welding issues at the fabrication or repair stage can be mitigated through utilizing an engineered welding process with stringent process control, workmanship and the highest quality consumables.
Westpower’s in-house professional welding engineer, welding supervisors, and welders are qualified in accordance with the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) and ABSA/ASME BPVC.
Our in-house welding engineering team evaluates each project in detail and adjusts, revises or develops new weld procedures as required for any specific welding projects, whether it’s old pump repairs or new piping/skid fabrication.
Many of the projects we undertake require an innovative welding approach to satisfy customer requirements while meeting the project deadline or cost target without jeopardizing performance. Westpower’s welding team has many years of experience dealing with such projects with a range of ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
Pressure Welding
- Developed and utilized over 30 ASME section IX compliant weld procedure specifications, including but not limited to:
- Carbon Steel
- Stainless Steels (3XX/4XX)
- Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steels (to API 938-C and API 582)
- Hardfacing Overlays (e.g. Stellite and Hastelloy)
Mostly developed in the “as Welded”, PWHT, and notch toughness tested at low temperature conditions for versatility to suit any specific application.
- Ability to utilize multiple welding processes i.e. GTAW, SMAW, GMAW, FCAW and MCAW from small bore pipe to maximum thickness.
- Highly experienced ABSA registered “B Pressure” welders with multiple qualification records for materials of P1 through P15F.
- Certification to Practice: manufacturing, repair and alteration of ASME B31.1, B31.3 power and pressure piping as well as CSA B51 pressure fittings category A, B, E and H.
Structural Welding
- CWB Division 1 company certified to CSA W47.1 for fusion welding of steel to fabricate structural steel to CSA W59 and structural stainless steel to AWS D1.6.
- Full suite of weld procedure specifications for GMAW, SMAW, FCAW and MCAW for structural steel (carbon steel and stainless steel) as well as over 50 weld procedure data sheets for all typical joint types and thickness ranges.
- Experienced structural welders fully qualified to all processes and positions with valid CWB tickets.
Westpower understands the importance of process control and strictly follows the documentation requirements specific to each job and application. This helps us ensure process consistency to deliver the same level of quality, every time.
As part of our comprehensive process control, we issue in-process and post-process records which include NDE, post weld heat treatment (PWHT) reports, QC checks and Certificate of Compliance (COC). Other documentation that could be included in the job record book depending on the job and application is:
- Materials Verification: PMI and MTRs
- Heat Input
- Consumable MTR, Traceability and Batch Verification
- Welding Monitoring and Weld Maps
- Welders Stamp
- Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)
- Procedure Qualification Records (PQR)
- Welder’s Qualification Records (WQR)
- Continuity Log
Contact us to learn more about our welding capabilities and how we can help lower your total cost of ownership.