Mechanical Seal Success Story

Success Story: Providing lowest total cost of ownership for a customer’s mechanical seals while also providing the best available equipment reliability.

30 September 2020

Problem: The excessively high cost of spare mechanical seals, high cost for future repairs.

Concern / Long Term Goal: Lowering the total cost of ownership without compromising on equipment reliability.

The Benefit of Using Westpower: Extensive pump, seal and pumping systems expertise across a wide range of end-use applications. Unbiased seal assessments and technical support with access to multiple mechanical seal vendors to determine the best fit-for-purpose solution.

Outcome: Customized seal solution to maximize seal life and lower total cost of ownership.

The Full Story: Westpower was recently approached by an end-user customer who asked if anything could be done about the perceived excessively high cost of some spare mechanical seals quoted by a mechanical seal OEM for a recently built project. The customer was concerned about their total cost of ownership including the high cost of the initial spares and the high cost for future repairs while ensuring there is no reduction in the reliability of their equipment. Westpower approached the major mechanical seal OEMs in the market for their solutions and then presented those solutions to the customer. Once the end-user had selected the mechanical seal, Westpower’s pump and seal experts worked closely with both the customer and their chosen OEM. This ensured that the customer received a solution that provided them with maximum seal life and the lowest overall total cost of ownership.

Westpower’s in-house mechanical seal experts determine the optimal seals and systems specific to your application and operational requirements. Our unbiased technical assessments and support enable our customers to maximize mean time between failures (MTBF) and equipment reliability while minimizing spares inventory and lowering the overall total cost of ownership.

Talk to one of our reliability experts today.

Contact us by phone, email or fill out the form below:

Phone: (780) 686-6002
